Naturally Shaped. Fabulous Angel Aura Quartz Cluster.
Called Angel Quartz or Aura Quartz or Aurora Quartz or Angel Aura Quartz
❥ All our crystals are packed with care & come with their full descriptions, meaning of the stone + instructions on how to keep them clean.
We also add a small stick of inscent to smudge (cleanse your Crystals) as a gift!
⚠️ Please note that you are purchasing one stone only! Every stones are different from one another & might slightly differ from the picture!
Size & Measures:
Angel Aura Quartz Cluster - White with diesel reflect effects - Around 60/70g - 4cm x 4cm
❥ ANGEL AURA QUARTZ -The stone of Truth
Cleanses the Aura. Transmits healing light. Reduces panic attack.Treats at the cellular level. Radiates peace & Positivity. Helps to connect with the Angels. Enhance communication and to see & speak the truth.
Chakras = [Wishuddha Chakra = Throat Chakra] + [Ajna Chakra = Third Eye Chakra] + [Sahasrara Chakra = Crown Chakra]
❥ Fabulous Just Like You